| The ‘Only,’ ‘Best,’ ‘Most Popular’
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The ‘Only,’ ‘Best,’ ‘Most Popular’

Some of the historical city directories we used to find addresses included advertisements for a number of newspapers in our collection. We noticed quite a few superlatives describing the periodicals. Find some of them below. Click on the newspaper titles to see the ad and source in which the superlative appears.

Deutsches Volksblatt:

“The only German, and largest newspaper published, in the lower end of the County. The recognized organ of the German population for Westchester County. A larger circulation than any other paper printed in the town.”

Il Progresso Italo-Americano:

“The first Italian daily newspaper in New York and in the United States.”

The Jewish Gazette:

“The ‘Jewish Gazette’ is the only paper published in the United States and Canada in the old Hebrew type and Jewish language, and therefore it has a large circulation.”

Katholisches Volksblatt:

“The only German Catholic paper published in New York City, being a weekly paper of sixteen pages, the largest in size and circulation, and the best in the United States.”

The New York Jewish Volkszeitung:

“The only Jewish labor weekly in the world, and contains more reading matter than any other Jewish newspaper ever published.”

New Yorker Volkszeitung:

“Enjoying the largest circulation of all (but one) German newspapers in the United States. The only German paper, the managers of which are at all times, whenever required, ready to furnish affidavits in regard to its circulation.”

New Yorker Zeitung:

“The Sunday edition of the ‘New Yorker Zeitung’ is the most popular family paper published in New York City. Every German when asked will admit this fact.”

New-Yorker Tages-Nachrichten

“Die Tages-Nachrichten has the largest circulation of any German Daily Newspaper published in the world.”

“Die Sonntags-Nachrichten has the largest circulation in the city of any Germany Sunday paper issued.”


“A weekly, published for the Swedish Population in America, and the oldest newspaper east of Chicago printed in the Swedish language.”

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